Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Spyder Paintball Cup Finale 2008 NPPL San Diego

Seven teams have earned the chance to win brand new cars this November

Baldwin Park, CA - The Spyder Paintball Cup Finale will be held alongside the San Diego NPPL Commander’s Cup November 14-16, 2008.

After 8 months, 7 states and over one hundred teams; the Spyder Cup has been narrowed down to the top seven 3-man amateur teams in the nation. These teams will face off in San Diego this November to compete in the Spyder Cup Grand Finale where the winners will drive away in brand new MAZDA3 hatchbacks!

Spyder Paintball Cup Finale 2008 NPPL San Diego

Throughout the 2008 season, Spyder has held seven regional paintball events, and the winning teams from each of those has been awarded an all expenses paid trip to the Spyder Cup Grand Finale hosted at the NPPL World Championships in San Diego. These seven 3-man teams will compete for three brand new MAZDA3 hatchbacks! The qualifying teams earned their spots from winning one of the seven 2008 Spyder Cup events which were held in Nevada, Utah, Massachusetts, South Carolina, Illinois, Florida and California.

Come to the NPPL Commander’s Cup in San Diego to see which of the 7 teams will drive away in the new MAZDA3 hatchbacks!

Details on the 2009 Spyder Cup including dates, locations, and an all new prize package coming soon to !

The Spyder Cup is a FREE amateur level 3-man paintball tournament where teams compete using Spyder brand paintball markers. In the past 8 years Spyder has awarded 15 cars and $1000’s in prizes through the Spyder Cup Tournament. Tournament information is available at .

Kingman Group exclusively distributes the
Spyder RS Series paintball markers
Spyder VS Series paintball markers
Spyder MR Series paintball markers
Spyder Classic Series paintball markers
Spyder Paintball Classic Series E-marker